Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ipod-Pee Pee-Treadmill and Attempted Fitness

Ok, I know that's a weird title, but listen to my weird day yesterday. I finally get the gumption to go to the gym. I finally use the handy dandy ipod holster my parents gave me so I could be "hands free" with my ipod. I holster that baby on my pants, and go to the bathroom (before I go on the treadmill which makes me pee if i haven't peed before hand-TMI) I pull down my pants to pee (again with the p-word) and plunk goes the holster (fell off my pants) with the ipod in it into the toilet bowl. In a mad frenzy I slosh my hand into my own pee water. Yes, that's right. To make a long gruesome story short-it still worked and I was very happy-Wet but happy.

Ok, so I am a bit traumatized since I had to recover from the whole toilet bowl thing, but I manage to get on a treadmill and start walking. Yes! I made it to the gym and I am actually exercising! Ok, then the madness with the ipod starts again. I don't have it holstered on my hip because the holster is wet with water and ... I accidently pull the wire for the headphone too hard and the ipod rips off the headphones and slip under the belt of the treadmill. Un-be-lieve-able. Thanks to a very nice teenager, I was able to retrieve the ipod from underneath the belt. I told him the whole toilet story which I am sure traumatized him too. I PUT THE IPOD AWAY.

And through all that I treadmilled for 30 minutes and did weights for 20!!!!!

Anyone have similar phone or ipod stories?

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