Friday, February 27, 2009

A College Fitness Trend?

As I went on a quest for pictures ideas for our latest assignment I realized that something interesting is happening in the college fitness world. The colleges seem to be putting a lot into their fitness facilities. As I browsed around to see what other colleges are doing I realized that most of the pictures of college rec center looked very similar. Their entrances are very bold and modern--and inviting. The floor plans are airy and bright. Other colleges are also adding rockwalls, and can you believe it, an indoor golf course, just like ODU has added an indoor hockey area. This blows my mind! Are we spending too much or is too much ever really too much in order to motivate and help get people healthy? Another mysterious question...hmmmm. Enjoy the slideshow of other college fitness centers and see if you see a trend. I a working on the resolution of the pics, sorry.

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