Here's my last interview with
Neeraja Chimata, a
graduate assistant for Group Fitness and Wellness at
Old Dominion University. She is supervising my involvement in Monarch
I asked her the following questions:
1. Has the QuickFit program been successful and do you have a lot of
The program is being successful with 70-75 participants in Spring and Fall semesters.
2. Is it used for motivating people and for research for you?
It is a program in which the participants monitor themselves throughout the program. The program has
pre and post assessments to set goals. The research part of the program is only to know about the participant participation and improvement.
3. How do you think the university could best motivate students and
faculty to stay fit and healthy?
The University must provide more funds and support from different areas to develop fitness programs for their students, faculty and staff. The participants can best utilize the campus recreation and their programs online at and take the best use of them. Also get updated with the new Student Recreation Center which has more opportunities for staying fit like Group fitness classes, open recreation, Outdoor adventure programs,
intramurals and sports clubs.