Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Challenge 3-The ODU Indoor Rock Climbing Wall!

Hey everyone, I spoke to Bridget Nemeth who is the Coordinator for the Outdoor Adventure Program at ODU. She oversees the indoor rock wall, and she agreed to let me interview her and get some more information about the rock wall at the ODU Recreation Center. After the interview I will post information about how to get started climbing! Oh yes, if you don't know what belaying is, here is the definition. This post uses this word several times.

Belaying is one of the Climbing Techniques in Rock Climbing. It is securing the climber during his climb. This technique is done by a person on the ground. Click her for more on belaying techniques.

I had about 8 questions to ask Bridget, here they are...
1. How did you get involved in rock climbing? I got started while I was an undergraduate at University of Maryland. I got started both indoor and outdoor and still do both.
2. How do you get over the fear when you start climbing for the first time?
At first I had issues with partner trust. You know, trusting the person who is belaying you. Getting comfortable with that person is vital, and knowing they are trained to support you helps keep you calm. Equipment failure sometimes enters your mind when you first start also. This is why inspections should be done on all equipment regularly. More climbing helps get you over the fear also. Practice makes permanent!
3. Do you have any special events involving climbing at ODU? Yes, we have been planning rock climbing events like Sunday Funday where there will be timed climbs and bouldering problems to be worked out as well as other competitions in the future.
4. Have you had any close calls on the wall or climbing outside? No, I really haven't. As long as you have the proper equipment and the right support, rock climbing is fairly safe.
5. So no funny stories? No, I never said no funny stories, ha ha! The trainer from the company that builds the rock wall was training us, and I was belaying him. At the top of his climb he jumped off the wall which made me be pulled up in the air where I met him halfway up the wall. This was shocking but funny. It also proved that the belayer could not be pulled all the way up to hit the roof. Also, one of the guys who works at the ODU rock wall was climbing outdoors, finally reached a top ledge and found himself face-to-face with a hissing goose!
6. Is rock climbing an expensive sport? No, other than if you choose to purchase shoes, a student climbs for free. Even though there are fees at the private walls, the initial cost of shoe is the only big ticket items you will face.
7. Is the ODU rock wall well used? Yes, the first 3 weeks in operation brought in 700 people to climb and the participation is still very high!
8. How can I start climbing at the ODU rock wall? If you go to the front desk, you will sign up for a 2-hour climbing clinic. After 24 hours, you will then take a belay test. If you pass the test, you can start climbing!

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